systainer® T-Loc I-V
Just one touch is all you need! Systematically stack individual systainer® and lock them with a flick of the wrist – this generation offers innovative T-Loc central controller technology: lock, open, connect. The second generation combines innovation with function and attractive design.
systainer® T-Loc „SYS-Combi“
The perfect combination of systainer® and integrated drawer. Everything that belongs together stays together, for more tidiness in your daily routine. Available in two sizes.
Sortainer T-Loc „SYS-Sort IV / 3“
The name says it all! Sorting is fun with the Sortainer T-Loc and the Rack-systainer® and ensures practical orderliness of all small parts.
MIDI-systainer® T-Loc
Our MIDI-systainer® provide maximum storage space for your equipment and utensils. What makes it even more practical ist that the MIDI variants can be combined with the systainer® T-Loc and. Systainer³. Available in 2 sizes.
MINI-systainer® T-Loc
Our MINI-systainer® T-Loc I are true space magicians despite their slim dimensions! They are very easy to integrate in the systainer® and the MIDI-systainer® and are ideal for stowing small parts.
systainer® Tool-Box
The easily removable systainer® Tool-Boxes are the ideal companions for flexibility and mobility everywhere.
systainer® Storage-Box
The easily removable systainer® Tool- and Storage-Boxes are the ideal companions for flexibility and mobility everywhere.